Humidity 84% Dew Point 18°
Wind 5.6 mph gusting to 9.8 mph from the East (87°)
Freezer South: 7.7°
Freezer North: 6.1°
UTC 2025-02-12 13:00:37
dateutc | 2025-02-12 13:00:37 |
date | Wednesday 2/12/2025 8:00:37 AM |
tempf | 21.2 |
humidity | 84 |
dewpoint | 18 |
winddir | 87 |
windspeedmph | 5.6 |
windgustmph | 9.8 |
maxdailygust | 18.6 |
windcompass | East |
baromrelin | 29.34 |
baromabsin | 29.34 |
solarradiation | 20 |
uv | 0 |
rainratein | 0.000 |
eventrainin | 0.000 |
hourlyrainin | 0.000 |
dailyrainin | 0.000 |
weeklyrainin | 0.024 |
monthlyrainin | 0.260 |
yearlyrainin | 1.248 |
totalrainin | 1.248 |
rrain_piezo | 0.000 |
erain_piezo | 0.000 |
hrain_piezo | 0.000 |
drain_piezo | 0.000 |
wrain_piezo | 0.000 |
mrain_piezo | 0.472 |
yrain_piezo | 1.181 |
tempinf | 67.64 |
humidityin | 32 |
temp1f | 70.34 |
humidity1 | 34 |
temp2f | 66.56 |
humidity2 | 36 |
temp3f | 64.40 |
humidity3 | 32 |
temp4f | 30.20 |
humidity4 | 77 |
tf_ch1 | 7.7 |
tf_ch2 | 6.1 |
wh40batt | 1.4 |
batt1 | 0 |
ws90cap_volt | 4.1 |
wh90batt | 2.84 |
freq | 915M |
interval | 10 |
passkey | AAD187D32CBB7A0B74A44B9190F4A401 |
stationtype | GW2000B_V3.1.6 |
runtime | 8876762 |
heap | 95136 |
ws90_ver | 144 |
model | GW2000B |